Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Line Camp is next week!

When: Monday - Thursday, 8am - 5pm (Could end earlier on any day.)

Where: CSHS Dance Room

What to wear: Dance pants (like yoga pants) or capri dance pants (black) and solid black t-shirt. Your dancer can turn a black t-shirt with a logo inside out if necessary. Bring tennis shoes and dance shoes.

What else to bring: Bring a water bottle every day! Bring a sack lunch Monday through Wednesday, Thursday the Booster club hopes to provide Chick-Fil-A.

Popcorn Sales @ Sam's Club

The Strutters will be selling popcorn outside the main door at Sam's Club on July 10th-12th. Each Strutter may start by signing up for ONLY two shifts. If other shifts are available the day before, Strutters can add another shift. We don't want empty shifts but we also don't want anyone manipulating the time if others want to participate also. Sign Up Now!

Volunteer Opportunities

Strutter Moms,
We need individuals to sign up to help decorate the locker room for the home games! Don't feel intimidated if you aren't artsy--someone in your group will be.

Sign Up Now!