Monday, August 13, 2012

Booster Club Update

Strutters Booster Club:

It’s a VERY exciting time as we approach the beginning of the school year.  Our dancers are clearly working hard – and so are the Booster Club members!  If you weren’t able to make it to the school for First Look on Saturday to pick up your season football tickets, know that there is one additional home game that was not on the original schedule – November 1st (.  For the most current football schedule, is on the Cougar Club website:

What follows are a few updates – read carefully as there are several action items:

The calendar is at the printer and will be available to sell at orientation this Wednesday and Thursday.  Copy Corner suggested that we start with a quantity of 500 (instead of our original 1,000) and has guaranteed us the same printing price if we need additional copies above 500.  The calendars will sell for $15 each. Following is the “work” schedule for selling and a couple of reminders/action items: 

 Wednesday, August 15, 2012 – 10th grade orientation 1pm-4pm
9th grade Strutters to “work” and sell calendars (there are 6 of them).
Tracy will be there with the dancers and she could probably use 1-2 additional moms/dads to help as well. Have the dancers arrive at 12:30pm – they will need to wear CSHS t-shirts since their Strutters t-shirts are not available yet.  Have them wear their cute Strutters glasses – these will certainly get the attention of those passing by! These six (6) dancers will “work” during the entire orientation timeframe (1pm-4pm). Therefore, when the arrive CSHS at 12:30pm, have them report to the Cafeteria. Tracy is working on a display table that will be clearly identified as College Station Strutters.
Thursday, August 16, 2012 – 9th grade orientation 1pm-4pm
10th grade Strutters to “work” and sell calendars (there are 6 of them)
Everything else from the previous day is exactly the same (read above)

Once we are past this week’s sales, we’ll turn our attention to individual sales (each dancer will be able to sell calendars) and we’ll work on the banner, VIP reception, etc. that was part of the recognition for sponsorship.

Action items for Booster Club members:

If you have any small plastic display racks or holders, please let Tracy and Stephanie (Cashion) know ASAP.  They are looking for ways to display the calendars on the table so that the inside of them is viewed as folks walk by our table. Tracy is making signs for our display table so if you’d like to assist her in any way, contact her directly.  She is also thinking about covering the table with a tablecloth – a purple one preferably.  So, if you have a purple tablecloth, contact Tracy directly. Stephanie is working on securing a cash box and also some small bills and change so that we can easily make change when folks buy the calendars at orientation.  We’ll be able to take cash or checks.  I don’t think we’ll be in a position to take credit cards.  If you have any thoughts on any of this that can add value (i.e., can think of things that have not been considered already), contact Stephanie directly.

Many, many, many thanks to Tracy and her mom!!  None of us will ever know how much time and energy they spent making this first item such a tremendous success.  When you see the calendars, you will be proud that it is the brand of the College Station Strutters.  Thank you both for such a GREAT product – you really put your heart and soul into this and it shows!!

Tracy and Joan are not letting the fundraising opportunities pass us by!  They are working with CC Creations right now on some additional items for us to sell in the weeks and months to come.  They’ll be able to report back to us very soon.

DECORATING LOCKERS (and also serving as chaperones)

As we discussed at the last two Booster Club meetings, each week we will have 4 Booster Club members be responsible for that week’s locker decorations – and each group will be responsible for at least two games.  We will need one person in each group of four (4) to serve as the “lead”.  Being a “lead” means that you will coordinate the decorations with the theme of the week for the VARSITY football games, buy the supplies, and get the group together to accomplish the decoration (lockers decorated the night before each game day).  When you sign up for decorating lockers, you will also serve as the chaperones for the evening’s game (i.e., help Anna by escorting the dancers to the bathrooms for safety reasons).  Below is the football schedule – please sign up for a game!


As we discussed at the last Booster Club meeting, we will be participating in the football program sales efforts for some of the home game – thus, receiving a portion of ALL of the proceeds from the sale of programs over the entire football season.   No immediate action yet.  Once we know which games we will need to sell at, a sign-up sheet will be distributed so be on the lookout for that to come soon!


The Facebook Group is up and running.  If you have not become a member and would like to join the closed group, look for College Station Strutters 2012-2013.  Post photos there and send the dancers words of encouragement!

We will work diligently in the next few weeks to get our corporate sponsor logos on the College Station High School Strutters website.  We haven’t started this project yet – but will get on that very soon.

501(c)(3) UPDATE

On Friday of last week, August 10th, our Booster Club’s 501(c)(3) paperwork was sent via certified mail.  WOOHOO!!  Many thanks for everyone who worked on this – but especially to Stephanie Cashion and Susan Neel.  They really put in a LOT of hard work to get this out the door!


1.       At the last Booster Club meeting, Anna mentioned that each dancer will need a Hat Box to store her hat in while traveling.  Each dancer will need this soon (securing before school begins is a good target – but certainly before the first football game!) and she suggests getting something from Cavender’s, Target, WalMart, TJ Max, or Michael’s.
2.       There is a TENTATIVE date of September 3rd for “Meet the Cougars Night”.  Details are sketchy at this time so be watching CSHS website and Cougar Club website for updates as they become available.  If we get confirmation, we’ll certainly let it know.  Hold this as tentative until further notice.


Our next Booster Club Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, September 6, 2012 at 6pm in the CSHS Conference Room.

Wow!  Lots going on – we’re small in numbers but making a LOT of progress and getting SO much accomplished.  See ya soon!